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日期:11-01 22:07:07|八百米考试网| http://www.babaimi.com |四年级英语学习

p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: left; line-height: 150%; margin-left: 120px;">三年级英语语法知识小练习


班别:________    姓名:___________     学号:___________


一、    名词单数变复数 – 写出下面单数名词的复数形式。

tree  ________    boy  ________      pig ________      bull ______

duck _________   goat  ________      cow ________     horse ______

foot _________   tooth  ________      goose _______     fish _______

goldfish _________  sheep _______      child _______     mouse______

bed _________    pet ___________      man _______     woman _____

glass ________     baby ________      lady _______     family ______

study ________     this ________       that ________


二、    用 “some” 或“any”填空。

(1)   Jack has __________ English books.

(2)   Ben, are there ________ cookies in the fridge?

(3)   There are ________ children in the garden.

(4)   They don’t have _________ pets.


三、    选择填空。(have与has的区别)

  (    )1、He ___ a toy car, and I ______ a toy plane.

            A. has, have      B. have, has      C. has, has

  (    )2、Uncle Tim ______ some animals.

            A. have         . B. has           C. are

  (    )3、We ______ some exercise books.

            A. are           B. have          C. has

  (    )4、 Do you _______ any brothers?

           A. has            B. have

  (    )5、The lady ______ two children.

           A. are            B. have           C. has

(     )6、Ben and Janet _______ a beautiful house.

            A. are         B. have        C. has


四、(存在“有”)there be 句型。(在there be 句型中,主语是单数,be动词用is; 主语是复数,be动词用are,; 如果有几件物品,be 动词根据最近be动词的那个名词决定。)

练习: 用 “is” 或 “are” 来填空。

(1)        There _______ an apple on the desk.

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