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日期:02-16 23:47:37|八百米考试网| http://www.babaimi.com |公共英语考试|人气:972


1. Titanic submerged in the Atlantic on her maiden.
A. journey
B. rip
C. our
D. voyage

2. He tried tome go to the cinema with him.
A. convince
B. suggest
C. propose
D. persuade

3. Remember toyourself at the meeting.
A. presentation
B. presenting
C. be present
D. present

4. My aunt's coming in atime.
A. fortnight's
B. fortnightly
C. next
D. tomorrow

5. He thought that.
A. the effort doing the job was not worth
B. the effort was not worth in doing the job
C. it was not worth the effort doing the job
D. it was not worth the effort by doing the job

6. The teacher could find nowith his pupil's work.
A. blame
B. fault
C. mistake
D. failure

7. Bill and Betty traveled a long distancetheir vacation.
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. about

8. I shall have a companion in the house after all theseyears.
A. lonesome
B. loneliness
C. alone
D. lonely

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