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日期:02-16 18:42:32|八百米考试网| http://www.babaimi.com |托福考试|人气:293

1call for an appointment
2call it a day
3call off
4call on sb.
5camping trip
6campus security office
7can help
8can‘t put sth. Down
9care for 
10carry on with
1carry out
2cash a check
3catch on
4catch one‘s breath
5catch one‘s eye
6catch up on
7catch the flight
8catch up with
9change one‘s mind 
10check out

本文Tags:托福考试 - 考前辅导 - 托福听力复习指导,,托福考试试题,托福考试真题,托福考试科目,托福考试题型
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