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日期:03-14 12:00:38|八百米考试网| http://www.babaimi.com |成人高考|人气:174




A. club           B. tomb       C. comb     D. climb

A. food           B. cool        C. school       D. flood

A. town           B. how       C. down      D. snow

A. each           B. peach       C. break       D. deal

A. hear           B. fear       C. dear       D. wear

A. receive         B. friend         C. field      D. piece

A. question       B. notion       C. exception    D. vocation

A. exhaust       B. exercise      C. exam       D. exact

A. where         B. what           C. whose      D. white

B. hatch         C. character       D. match


B. have to

D. must have to

B. could have she faced with

D. could she have been faced with

B. On seeing

D. Seeing

B. should I take what courses

D. what courses I should take

B. all at once

D. all right

 B. living           C. lively               D. lived

B. as we use

D. that we use them

B. took

D. felt

B. must be heated

D. be heated

…B. after…

…D. before…

B. in advance

D. in front


B. is

D. is being

B. suggest

D. propose

B. reports

D. has reported

B. so as to       C. so that           D. so as

B. excited       C. excitement       D. excitedly

B. repairing      C. to repairing       D. being repair

B. to write      C. written      D. write

B. from        C. of             D. to

B. made           C. is making        D. has made

B. accept          C. take          D. listen

B. That            C. It           D. Which

B. we are going          C. to go         D. our going

B. run down          C. run off         D. run out of

B. that          C. which         D. and

B. agreeable             C. pleased      D. thanks

B. prefer to           C. had better        D. would rather


B. this     C. there     D. which

B. tell           C. telling           D. told

B. as well as            C. much better than    D. more better than

B. led up             C. resulted in         D. set up

B. equal           C. compared         D. corresponding

…B. to eat…C. eating…D. eating…

B. that      C. until       D. after

,B. as great as,,

,,D. greater,Ⅲ。



A. because          B. because of           C. as               D. since

B. away                 C. against         D. contrary

B. in                    C. to               D. on

B. soon                  C. later            D. after

B. dead                 C. die           D. being died

B. watched            C. noticed            D. examined

B. thought over            C. made sure            D. agreed to

B. possible           C. probably            D. mainly

B. because of            C. even though            D. since

B. other            C. another            D. one other Ⅳ。



B. The History of Monetary Exchange

D. Current Problems in the Economy


B. Fiat money

D. Intangible forms

B. articles of value

D. material objects

B. permitted easy transportation of wealth

D. could become collector's items




B. the sooner people in it will leave

D. the more excited people

B. a normal lesson

D. a piece of news

B. Two            C. Only one       D. No one knows


B. purify the used water and reuse it

D. make use of seawater

B. to put chemicals in it

D. to pipe the used water to be purified to a factory

B. reuse used water and make use of seawater

D. take steps to reuse all water on earth

B. purified water

B. Two Solutions to the Problem of Water Shortage

D. How to Make Use of Seawater











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