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A: I really don’t understand your objection to globalization.
B: I simply think that globalization will harm established communities.
n. 1.反对,异议; 2.反对的理由
A: I just want you to know that the words you said hurt me.
B: Well, I want you to know that hurting you wasn’t my objective.
n. 目标,目的
a. 客观的,不带偏见的
A: Why can’t you go to the movie?
B: I’d love to go, but I feel like I have a obligation to help George with his homework, since he helped me with mine last week.
n. 义务,责任
A: Would you like some help carrying that box?
B: Don’t feel obliged to, but I’d love your help.
vt. 1.迫使;2.施恩于,帮…的忙; 3.使感激
A: It seems like the students have behaved etter since the new principal arrived.
B: That’s a good observation.
n. 1.注意, 观察; 2.言论,评论; 3.[常[pl.] 观察资料,观察数据; 4.观察力
A: Do you mind if I observe your classroom today?
B: Of course not.
vt. 1.注意到,观察到; 2.观察; 3.评说, 评论; 4.遵守,奉行
A: There’s an official observe visiting the plant today, so all of the workers should be on their best behavior.
B: In an ideal world, the workers would be on their best behavior with or without an observe.
n. 观察者, 观察员
A: What has been the biggest obstacle in your relationship?
B: Probably the fact that we live on opposite sides of the country.
n. 障碍(物), 妨碍
A: I was able to obtain two tickets to the game tomorrow. Would you like to go?
B: Sure, I’d love to.
vt. 获得,得到
vi. 通用, 存在, 流行
A: Isn’t it obvious that Rachel hates me?
B: Actually, I don’t think Rachel hates you at all.
a. 显然的,明显的
A: How often do you wear this suit?
B: Not very often; only on special occasions.
n. 1.时刻,时候,场合;2.重大(或特殊)活动,盛会;3.时机,机会;4.起因,理由
vt. 引起,惹起
on occasion(s)  有时,间或
A: Would you like a hamburger?
B: No, thanks. Aside from the occasional hotdog, I never eat meat.
a. 偶尔的,间或发生的
A: What’s your father’s occupation?
B: He’s a fireman.
n. 1.工作,职业;2.(人)从事的活动,消遣;3.占领,占据
A: I want you to know that you occupy a special place in my heart.
B: And you in mine.
vt. 1.占,占用,占领;2.使忙碌,使从事
A: Did you hear that Fred was late for work yesterday?
B: Now that’s a rare occurrence! He’s almost always on time.
n. 1.发生的事情,事件;2.发生,出现
A: Did you enjoy the party?
B: Not really. There was a very odd mix of people.
a. 1.奇特的,古怪的;2.临时的,不固定的;3.单的,不成对的;4.挂零的,剩余的,余下的
n. [pl.] 可能性,机会
against all (the) odds 尽管有极大的困难,尽管极为不利
at odds with 与...不和,与...争吵,与...不一致
odds and ends 零星杂物,琐碎物品
A: Will you please stop making fun of my hair?
B: I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to offend you.
vt. 1.冒犯,得罪,伤害...的感情;2.使厌恶,使不舒服;3.违反,违犯
A: What offence is he charged with?
B: He’s charged with disturbing the peace.
n. 1.犯规,违法行为;2.冒犯,得罪
A: Do you think she’s a good comedian?
B: She may be good, but her humor is too offensive for me.
a. 1.冒犯的,无礼的,使人不快的;2.进攻的,攻击性的
n. 进攻,攻势
A: Are there any errors in my paper?
B: It looks like you omitted a word in this sentence.
vt. 1.省略,删节;2.遗漏,疏忽
A: I hate cutting onions, because they make me cry.
B: You should wear goggles to protect your eyes.
n. 洋葱,洋葱类植物
A: How did she escape from her cell?
B: It appears that she was able to escape through the small opening between the bars.
n. 1.口子,洞,孔;2.(正式的)开始,开端;3.(职位的)空缺
a. 开的,开始的
A: Do you like to go to the opera?
B: Not really. I’d rather go to a rock concert.
n. 歌剧
A: We’ve decided to give you operational control of the company.
B: I’m certain that I’m up for the job.
a. 1.运转的,即可使用的;2.操作上的
A: I can’t find my friend’s telephone number in the phone book.
B: Have you tried calling the operator?
n. 1.话务员,报务员;2.操作员
A: Why are you such a staunch opponent of the President?
B: Because I strongly disagree with his opinions.
n. 1.敌手,对手;2.反对者
A: I can’t believe you’re giving up the opportunity to go to the Bahamas for spring break!
B: I’d rather save my money and take a bigger trip next year.
n. 机会,时机
A: Why did you oppose the decision of the school board?
B: Because I felt that it was unfair to my child.
vt. 反对,反抗
A: Why does the moon look so much bigger tonight?
B: It’s an optical illusion.
a. 1.光(学)的;2.眼的,视力的;3.视觉的
A: Do you think you’ll get the job?
B: There’s a chance that I’ll get it , but I’m not terribly optimistic.
a. 乐观(主义)的
A: It wasn’t the job I wanted, but I had no other options.
B: Well, at least you have a job now.
n. 1.选择;2.选择权,选择自由;3.(供)选择的事物(或人),选课
A: Do we have to do all of the problems on the test?
B: The first three problems are mandatory, but the last one is optional.
a. 可以任选的,非强制的
A: How did you do on the oral exam?
B: Not very well, I’m not very good at expressing myself in word.
a. 口头的,口的
A: The satellite has been in orbit around the earth for the last fifteen years.
B: How much longer will it stay up there?
n. 轨道
v. (绕...)作轨道运行
A: I thought the music for the play was excellent.
B: So did I. The live orchestra added so much to the atmosphere..
n. 管旋乐队
A: You have such an orderly office.
B: I try to keep it this way, because I have trouble working in a messy office.
a. 整齐的,有秩序的
A: What was it that jump-started the economy here?
B: Several years ago they discovered a huge underground supply of iron ore.
n. 矿,矿石
A: How did your friend die?
B: All if his major organs failed at once.
n. 1.器官;2.风琴;3.机构;4.新闻媒介,宣传工具
A: Why do you only buy organic vegetables?
B: Because I’m afraid of the pesticides on non-organic vegetables.
a. 有机(体)的,有机物的
A: Congratulations on being made the new head of the organization!
B: Thank you.
n. 1.团体,机构;2.组织
A: I need someone to help me organize this meeting.
B: I’d love to help you, but I really don’t have the time.
vt. 1.组织,把...编组;2.使有条理
A: I’m really curious to find out the origins of my ancestors.
B: There are websites that might be able to help you in your research.
n. 1.起源,来源,起因;2.[常pl.]出身,血统
A: What does your organization do?
B: Our original purpose was to help homeless women, but now we’ve expanded to helping all homeless people.
a. 1.起初的,原来的;2.独创的,新颖的;3.原版的,原件的
n. 原件,原作
A: How much is an ounce of gold worth?
B: I’m not entirely sure, but I know that it’s worth a lot.
n. 盎司
A: Regardless of the outcome of the game, I hope that you kids play hard.
B: We will, Coach.
n. 结果
A: Where does your family live?
B: We live in an outer suburb of Chicago.
a. 1.外面的,外表的;2.远离中心的,外层的
A: Why do you play golf every Saturday?
B: I use it as an outlet for all of the frustration that builds up during the week.
n. 1.出口,出路;2.(感情,精力等)发泄途径
A: Have you finished your paper?
B: Not yet, but my outline is done.
n. 1.提纲,要点,概要;2.外形,轮廓,略图
vt. 1.概述,概括;2.描...外形,描...轮廓
A: How do you manage to have such a positive outlook on life?
B: I just try to live in the moment.
n. 1.观点,见解;2.展望,前景
A: Why did the output of the factory go down last month?
B: I hear that they were having some machine troubles.
n. 1.产量;2.输出,输出功率
vt. 输出(信息、数据等)
A: Well, we’ve been in college for four years now, and graduation is just around the corner.
B: From the outset we all knew that this day would come.
n. 开始,开端
at / from the outset 开端,开始
A: I love the unique use of color and texture is this piece.
B: It truly is an outstanding painting.
a. 1.突出的,杰出的,显著的;2.未解决的,未偿付的
A: Do you think that new student is an athlete?
B: Judging from his outward appearance, I would guess that he probably is.
a. 外表的,向外的,外面的
ad. [-(s)] 向外
A: I’m such a bad drawer that all of my circles look like ovals!
B: Just try not to get discouraged.
n. 椭圆形
a. 椭圆形的
A: What’s cooking in the oven?
B: A turkey for tonight’’s dinner.
n. 烤箱,炉
A: How would you rate your team’s overall performance?
B: I think we really played a good game today.
a. 1.总体的,全面的,综合的;2.全部的
ad. 总的来说
n. [pl.]工装裤,工作服
A: How have you been able to overcome so many obstacles?
B: Through perseverance and endurance.
vt. 1.战胜,克服;2.(感情等)压倒,使受不了
A: Look at that hawk flying overhead.
B: It’s so graceful!
ad. 在头顶上
a. 在头顶上的,上面的,架空的
n.[常pl.] 经常费用,管理费用
A: I’d like to buy that beautiful house overlooking the lake.
B: I’m sorry, but that one’s already been sold.
vt. 1.忽视,忽略,未注意到;2.宽恕,宽容;3.俯瞰,俯视
A: Why do you think she became such an overnight sensation?
B: Perhaps she just appeared on the music scene at the right time.
ad. 1.在整个夜里;2.在短时间内,突然
a. 1.一整夜的;2.似乎在一夜之间出现的,突然的
A: How many years were you living overseas?
B: I lived overseas for a total of twelve years.
ad. 在(或向)海外,在(或向)国外
a. (在)海外的,(在)国外的,(向或来自)外国的
A: If we row harder, we might be able to overtake the next boat and move into third place.
B: But I’m so tired that I can barely move my arms!
vt. 1.追上,赶上,超过;2.突然降临于,意外地碰上
A: How much money do you owe Jared?
B: Over a thousand dollars.
v. 欠(钱),应给予,应该做
A: Owing to tonight’s rain, we’ve decided to cancel the concert.
B: Will it be rescheduled?
a. 应付的,未付的
owing to  由于,因为
A: Who is the owner of this car?
B: I am.
owner 物主,所有人
A: I feel a real ownership of this novel, because I spent so much time working on it.
B: You really did a great job.
n. 所有(权),所有制
A: Why can’t humans survive alone in space?
B: Because there is not enough oxygen.
n. 氧气,氧

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