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A: Would you mind walking at a slower pace so that I can keep up with you?
B: Sure, I’ll try to walk a little slower.
n. 1.(一)步;2.步速,速度,节奏
vi. 踱步 
keep pace (with) (与...)齐步前进,(与...)并驾齐驱
set the pace 起带头作用
A: Has the package I sent you arrived yet?
B: Not yet, but I’m sure it will soon.
n. 1.包裹,包装;2.一揽子交易(或计划,建议等)
vt. 1.把...打包,把...装箱;2.包装,把...装袋(或盒等)
A: Do you have a pad of paper that I could borrow?
B: Yes. Is it all right if it has lines?
n. 1.垫,衬垫;2.拍纸簿,便签本;3.(火箭)发射台,直升飞机起落场
vt. 添赛
vi. (放轻脚步)走
A: This ankle injury is so painful!
B: Why don’t you put some ice on it to keep the welling down?
a. 1.疼痛的,引起疼痛的;2.困难的,令人不快的
A: The painters did a really good job on your house.
B: I agree. I love the color they picked for the trim.
n. 1.画家;2.油漆匠
A: This computer is so small that you can hold it in he palm of your hand!
B: They just keep getting smaller and smaller!
n. 1.手掌,掌状物;2.棕榈树
vt. 把...藏于手掌中
palm off  用欺骗手段把...卖掉
A: This wood panel is a sample of the wood that, pending your approval, we’re going to use fir your door.
B: It looks good to me.
n. 1.面,板;2.专门小组,评判小组;3.控制板,仪表盘
A: Everybody panicked when the fire alarm went off.
B: But didn’t turn out to be a false alarm?
n. 恐慌,惊慌,慌乱
v. (使)恐慌,(使)惊慌失措
A: Your pants have a hole in them at the knee.
B: I know. I need to get a new pair.
n. 1.长裤,(宽松的)便裤;2.内裤
A: Will you be participating in the parade?
B: No, but my school built a float for it.
n. 游行,检阅
v. (使)列队行进,(使)游行
A: Did you like my paper?
B: I liked it, but I think you need to add a paragraph to your conclusion for clarity.
n. 段落
A: There are so many parallels that can be drawn between our two lives.
B: No kidding. Just to mention a couple, we were born in the same hospital and got married in the same church.
n. 1.可相比拟的事物,相似处;2.平行线,平行面;3.纬线
a. 1.平行的;2.类似的,相对应的;3.并列的,关联的,并行的
vt. 与...相似,与...相当,比得上
A: Two parcels were delivered to my house this afternoon.
B: What was in them?
n. 小包,包裹
vt. (out) 分,分配
A: Have you ever considered running for parliament?
B: Not seriously, because I don’t think I could win.
n. 议会,国会
A: I love to eat potato chips.
B: I’m partial to popcorn, myself.
a. 1.部分的,不完全的;2.(to)偏爱的,癖好的;3.(to)偏向一方的,偏心的
A: Can I join the parade?
B: Sure. We’d like to have as many people participate as possible.
vi. (in) 参与,参加
A: Why is your eye so red?
B: I’ve been rubbing it ever since a particle of dust got in there.
n. 1.微粒,颗粒,粒子;2.小品词,语助词
A: Do you like to play sports?
B: Yes. I particularly like to play soccer.
ad. 特别,尤其
A: Do you have a partner for this next dance?
B: No, Would you like to dance with me?
vt. 做...的搭档
A: I feel like our relationship is missing passion.
B: Maybe that’s just something that happens over the years.
A: Why are you firing me?
B: Because you’ve been too passive on the job, unwilling to choose your own assignments.
a. 被动的,消极的
A: We will have a new passport for you in three weeks.
B: But I’m scheduled to leave the country next Monday!
n. 护照
A: Do you like my drawing?
B: I like it so much that I’m going to paste it up on the wall.
n. 浆糊,糊
vt. 粘,贴
A: What did Coach say to you after the game?
B: He just gave me a pat on the back and then left.
n. 轻拍,轻打
a. 非常恰当的,切合的,适时的
pat on the back 赞扬,鼓励
A: How old do you think I am?
B: You have several patches of gray in you hair, so I would say at least forty.
vt. 补,修补
patch up 1.解决(争吵,麻烦等);2.修补,草草修理
A: Did you finish that long book?
B: No, I ran out of patience. I only completed half of it.
n. 忍耐,耐心
A: I love the way my kitten scratches me with her paws.
B: Aren’t you worried that she might draw blood?
n. 爪,爪子
v. 用爪子抓,用蹄扒
A: Why am I being evicted from my apartment?
B: Because you’re three payments behind on your rent.
n. 1.支付的金额;2.支付,付款
A: Are we having peas again for dinner tonight?
B: Unless you’d rather have green beans.
n. 豌豆
A: Nothing tastes better than a fresh, juicy peach.
B: I’d take an apple over a peach any day.
n. 桃(树)
A: How much further until we reach the peak of the mountain?
B: It shouldn’t take more than an hour.
n. 山峰,顶点,顶峰
vi. 达到高峰,达到最大值
a. 最大值的;高峰的
A: You have a peculiar way of signing your name.
B: Maybe it’s because I’m left-handed.
a. 1.奇怪的,古怪的;2.特有的,独具的,独特的
A: Do you get along well with your peers?
B: Yes, but I prefer to associate with people older than myself.
n. 1.同龄人,同等地位的人;2.贵族
vi. 仔细看,费力地看
A: I lost my reserved seats at the play.
B: Well, that’s the penalty for being late!
n. 处罚,惩罚,罚金
A: I’m going hiking in the forest today.
B: Be careful not to penetrate too deeply into the woods, or you might not be able to find your way out.
v. 1.透入,渗入,进入;2.刺入,刺穿;3.洞察,了解
A: How will you support yourself after you retire?
B: I have a fairly good pension plan with my employer.
n. 养老金,抚恤金
vt. 发给...养老金(或退职金,抚恤金等)
A: How is the meat?
B: It could use a bit more pepper.
n. 胡椒,胡椒粉
vt. 在...上撒(胡椒粉等);使布满
A: How many inches are there per yard?
B: Thirty-six.
prep. 每一,每
A: Can you perceive a difference in these two drawings?
B: Yes. The one on the right is darker than the one on the left.
vt. 1.感知,感觉,察觉;2.认识到,意识到;理解
A: What percentage of your salary do you give to charity each year?
B: Usually somewhere in between ten and twenty percent.
n. 百分比,百分率
A: The general perception is that, despite being the CEO, you don’t do much work at the company.
B: The perception is completely wrong, as I am directly involved in the day-to-day operations of the company.
n. 1.感知(能力),觉察(力);2.认识,观念,看法
A: What a performance by the actors!
B: And the tech crew did an amazing job as well.
n. 1.演出,表演;2.履行,执行;3.工作情况,表现,(机器等)工作性能
A: Will’s become a permanent fixture here at the bar.
B: Yes. He comes here every night to drink his sorrows away.
a. 永久性的,固定的
A: May I have permission to leave the table?
B: Not until everyone has finished their food.
n. 允许,许可,准许
A: How long do you think the rumors about him will persist?
B: Probably for as long as he remains in a position of power.
vt. 1.(in)坚持不懈,执意;2.持续,继续存在
A: Janie has such a delightful personality.
B: I know. She’s so much fun to be around.
n. 1.人格,个性;2.人物,名人
A: Will you accept the contract to build the building?
B: I wish I could, but our firm doesn’t have the right personnel for the job.
n. 1.[总称]人员,员工;2.人事部门
A: I truly believe that my team will win the championship.
B: I guess we just have different perspective
n. 1.视角,观点,想法;2.远景,景观;3.透视画法,透视图
A: I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get a job.
B: You shouldn’t be so pessimistic.
a. 悲观(主义)的
A: Why are you pulling off the highway?
B: Because I need to put some more petrol in the tank.
n. 汽油
A: Why have petroleum prices gone up so much?
B: Because lately there’s been anxiety about the extent of the world’s oil supply.
n. 石油
A: How is your relationship going?
B: Pretty well. I feel like it’s entering a new phase, and I’m not sure if that’s good or bad.
n. 1.阶段,时期;2.面,方面;3.(月)相,相位
vt.  分阶段实行(或计划)
phase in  逐步引入(或采用)
phase out 逐步停止使用
A: Have you noticed that every time I plan to give her a call, she gives me a call?
B: What a strange phenomenon!
n. 1.现象,迹象;2.非凡的人,特殊的事物
A: Sarah seems to have answers to all of the big questions about life.
B: Yes, she’s quite the philosopher.
n. 哲学家,哲人
A: Why don’t you get along with your boss?
B: We just have very different philosophies about how the office should be run.
n. 1.哲学;2.哲理,人生哲学,见解
A: Did you just hear the phone ring?
B: Actually, I think that sound we just heard was the doorbell ringing.
n. 1.电话,电话机;2.听筒,耳机
v. 打电话(给)
A: How is your German?
B: I can understand some simple phrases, but not much more than that.
n. 短语,词组,用语
vt. 用语言表达,叙述
A: Why did you decide to change jobs?
B: The physical demands of my old job were just too much for me.
a. 1.身体的,肉体的;2.物理的,物理学的;3.物质的,有形的
n. 体检
A: I’ve been feeling horrible for the past few days.
B: Maybe you should pay a visit to your physician.
n. 内科医生
A: Why do you think you feel inferior to your father?
B: Because he’s famous physicist, and I’ve always been horrible at math.
n. 物理学家
A: Do you think I should let my daughter get her ears pierced?
B: I think you should wait until she’s a bit older.
v. 1.刺穿,刺破,穿透;2.穿孔(于),打眼(于)
A: What do you usually feed the pigeons with?
B: I usually give them bread.
n. 鸽子
A: How many pills do you take a day?
B: Ever since my heart attack I’ve been taking twelve a day.
n. 药丸
A: The mayor has done so many good things for the town.
B: He’s a real pillar of the community.
n. 1.柱,支柱;2.台柱,栋梁
A: Do you have an extra pillow that I could borrow?
B: I think we must have one somewhere.
n. 枕头
A: What’s the next ingredient in the recipe?
B: You should add a pinch of sugar.
v. 1.捏,掐;2.夹痛,轧痛
n. 1.捏,掐;2.(一)撮,微量
at / in a pinch  必要时,在紧急关头
feel the pinch 感到手头拮据
A: Why are they cutting down all of those pine tree?
B: Because they are going to use them as Christmas trees.
n. 松树
vi. 1.(away)(因悲哀等)消瘦,衰弱,憔悴;2.(for)渴望,思念
A: I’d like one pint of beer, please.
B: That’ll be two dollars.
n. 品脱
A: What’s in that huge pit by the side of the road?
B: Oh, that’s where we throw our garbage.
n. 1.地洞,坑;2.煤矿,矿井
vt. 使有坑,使有凹陷
A: In what pitch is this piece of music?
B: I’m afraid you’ll have to ask a music expert for that information.
n. 1.(板球,足球等的)球场;2.程度,强度;3.(音符或嗓音的)高度,音高;4.沥青
vt. 1.投掷,扔;2.使猛然倒下;3.(用某种方式或水平)表达,把...定于特定程度(或标准等);4.定调;5.架设,搭(帐篷),扎(营)
vi. 1.投掷,扔;2.猛然倒下;3.(船,飞机)颠簸
pitch in 做出贡献
A: Do you think that there is life on other planets?
B: I would imagine so.
n. 行星
A: What did you do during your trip to the South?
B: We visited some old slave plantations.
n. 种植园,人工林
A: Have you been recycling your plastic bottles?
B: Of course we have.
n. 1.[常pl.]塑料,塑料制品;2.信用卡
a. 塑料(制)的,可塑的
A: From where should I give my speech?
B: Step right up on that platform and deliver it when you’re ready.
n. 1.台,平台;讲台;2.站台,月台;3.(政党的)纲领,宣言
A: He pledged to pay me ten dollars if they lose the game.
B: I don’t approve of gambling on sports.
n. 保证,誓言
vt. 保证,许诺
A: Success has been plentiful during your tenure as coach.
B: But I’ve been more proud of my players’ successes in life than of our achievements on the court.
a. 丰富的,充足的,大量的
A: I’ve overheard that there’s a plot to kill the head of the company.
B: I think that it’s just a rumor.
n. 1.故事情节;2.(秘密)计划,密谋;3.小块地皮,小块土地
vt. 1.密谋,计划;2.绘制...的平面图,在图上标绘的位置
vi. 密谋,计划
A: Could you do me a favor and plug this cord into the outlet?
B: Sure. Just tell me where the outlet is.
n. 1.插头,插座;2.塞子,栓
vt. 把...塞住,用...塞住
plug in  给...接通电源,连接
A: When are you going to quit your job?
B: Someday soon, but I don’t think I’m ready to take the plunge just yet.
vi. 1.纵身投入,一头进入;2.猛冲;3.猛跌,骤降
vt. 1.(猛力)把...投入(或刺进);2.使突然陷入,遭受
n. 1.投身入水;2.猛跌,骤降
take the plunge (经过踌躇)决定冒险一试,采取决定性步骤
A: If the noun is a plural, then you should conjugate the verb appropriately.
B: I know. I just get confused sometimes.
a. 复数的
n. 复数
A: Do you know what five plus nine is?
B: It’s fourteen.
n. 1.加号,正号;2.有利因素
a. 表示加的,正的
A: I like to write poetry, but I’m afraid I couldn’t make a living on it.
B: I think you should follow your dreams.
n. 诗篇,诗歌,诗集
A: Did you know that they used to have a servant taste the king’s food to make sure it didn’t have poison in it?
B: That is a job that I would not want!
n. 毒药,毒物
vt. 使中毒,放毒于,毒害
A: You can eat some of the mushrooms that you find in the woods, but some of the others are poisonous.
B: How can I tell the difference ?
a. 1.有毒的,2.恶毒的,刻毒的
A: What do you think of the administration’s new policies?
B: I think that they are good ideas which may be difficult to put into practice.
n. 1.政策,方针;2.保险单
A: My leather shoes are looking very dull today.
B: Why don’t you polish them?
vt. 1.磨光,擦亮;2.修改,使优美,润色
n. 擦光剂,上光蜡
polish off (飞快地)完成
A: Do you trust politicians?
B: There are very few people involved in politics whom I would trust.
n. 政治家,政客
A: Why haven’t you ever gotten involved in politics?
B: Because I’d rather leave the politics to the politicians.
n. 1.政治,政治学;2.政纲,政见
A: I wish there weren’t so much pollution in the air.
B: If you moved to another city, the pollution might not be so bad.
n. 污染,污染物
A: Do you enjoy living near the pond?
B: Yes. It’s nice to be able to go fishing every day.
n. 池塘
A: How did you know that your ligament was broken?
B: I twisted my ankle and heard a pop.
vi. 1.突然出现,发生;2.发出砰的响声
n. 1.流行音乐;2.(发出)砰的一声
A: If I had a portable computer, I could continue my work while I’m on the road.
B: Why don’t you buy one?
a. 便于携带的;手提式的;轻便的
A: Why didn’t you enter the building?
B: Because I asked the porter at the front desk, and he said the building was closed until morning.
n. 1.搬运工人;2.看门人,大楼管理员
A: How do you plan to have your assets divided after your death?
B: I’d like to give a portion to my children, and the rest to charity.
n. 一部分,一份
vt. (out) 分配,把...分给
A: That’s a beautiful portrait of your mother hanging on the wall.
B: Actually, it’s my grandmother.
n. 肖像,画像
A: I hate posing for pictures.
B: Maybe you should just take them.
vt. 1.造成,引起(困难等);2.提出(问题等),陈述(论点等)
vi. 1.摆姿势;2.假装,冒充,装腔作势
n. 样子,姿势
A: How was your class received?
B: Quite well, judging from all the positive feedback I got.
a. 1.确实的,明确的;2.积极的,肯定的;3.正的,阳性的
A: I think it’s wrong for one person to possess so much land.
B: It wouldn’t be so bad if he were willing to sell some of it.
vt. 占有,拥有
A: When will Joseph be arriving?
B: There’s a possibility that he could arrive as early as tomorrow.
n. 1.可能(性);2.可能的事
A: How much will postage on this envelope cost?
B: It shouldn’t be more than a dollar.
n. 邮费,邮资
A: Who designed the poster for this event?
B: My friend Jack did.
n. 招贴(画),海报,广告
A: Has the postman delivered the mail yet?
B: Not yet, but he’s usually here before five.
n. 邮递员
A: Because of the rain, we’ll have to postpone the football match.
B: I’m free next Saturday if you would like to play then.
vt. 推迟,延期
A: What do you think of investing in today’s market?
B: There are many risks, but also many potential gains.
a. 潜在的,可能的
n. 潜力,潜能
A: It makes me sad that so many people in the city live in poverty.
B: Well, at least poverty rates have gone down over the past few years.
n. 贫穷,贫困
A: What’s that white powder on the floor?
B: It’s laundry detergent.
n. 粉末,粉
A: You’ve become quite powerful within the company.
B: Well, I’ve worked hard over the years.
a. 1.强大的,有力的,有权的;2.强壮的,强健的
A: Thanks so much for lending me the money.
B: No thanks are needed. After all, you’re practically family.
ad. 1.几乎,简直;2.实际上
A: I’m so glad that we lived through the war.
B: I pray that we’ll never again have to go through something so horrible.
v. 1.祈祷,祈求;2.请求,恳求
A: What did you do while your son was in the hospital?
B: I said a prayer every day, asking God to help him get better.
n. 1.祷告,祈祷;2.祷文,祷辞;3.祈求,祈望
A: Isn’t rock climbing dangerous?
B: Not if you take all of the proper precautions.
n. 预防,防备,警惕
A: The preceding piece was written by my friend Larry.
B: He’s really a good writer.
a. 在先的,在前的,前面的
A: What a beautiful woodcut!
B: Each cut is so precise.
a. 1.精确的,准确的;2严谨的
A: Why do you take your car to that mechanic?
B: Because I’ve always been impressed by his precision.
n. 精确(性),精密(度)
A: How were you able to predict the result of the game?
B: Actually, I just guessed.
vt. 预言,预测,前言
A: Would you be willing to write the preface to my book?
B: I’d be delighted to.
n. 序言,引言,前言
A: What style table would you like?
B: A round one would be preferable to a square one, but I’ll take whatever you’ve got.
a. 更可取的,更好的,更合意的
A: Do you have a preference of where to sit?
B: I’d prefer to sit by the window.
n. 1.喜爱,偏爱,优先(权);2.偏爱的事物(或人)
A: How many times have you been pregnant?
B: This is my fourth pregnancy.
a. 怀孕的,妊娠的
A: I can’t stand having an employer who is prejudiced against women.
B: Why don’t you switch jobs?
n. 偏见,成见
vt. 1.使有偏见;2.对...不利,损害
without prejudice (to) (对...)没有不利,无损(于)
A: After the preliminary proceedings, the two heads of state began their conference in earnest.
B: Were they able to resolve any of the problems between the two nations?
a. 预备的,初步的
n. [常pl.]初步做法,起始行为
A: Will we be ready for the big event?
B: The preparations are almost complete, so we should be ready.
n. 1.准备(工作),预备;2.制剂
A: Do you think this sentence sounds natural?
B: For the most part, but I would use a preposition other than “above”.
n. 介词
A: The doctor said that I might be sick for several weeks.
B: Did he prescribe any medicine for you?
vt. 1.开(药),吩咐采用(某种疗法);2.规定,指定
A: It’s so good to have Richard here tonight.
B: Yes. His presence alone has made this a great party.
n. 1.出席,到场,存在;2.仪表,仪态
in sb’s presence 当着某人的面,有某人在场
presence of mind 镇定自若
A: When are you supposed to give your presentation?
B: I’m scheduled to go tomorrow.
n. 1.提供,显示;2.外观,(显示的)图象;3.授予,赠送(仪式);4.报告,介绍;5.表演
A: How many lawyers are there in your firm?
B: Presently, there are thirty-three.
ad. 1.不久,一会儿;2.现在,目前
A: How will your construction project seek to preserve the natural environment?
B: We plan to leave seven acres of the land untouched.
vt. 1.保护,维持;2.保存,包藏;3.腌制
A: Do you feel pressure to follow in your father’s footsteps as a fireman?
B: Not really. He truly wants me to do what I want to do.
n. 1.压(力),压强;2.强制,压迫
vt. 对...施加压力(或影响),迫使,说服
A: Who do you think will take the boss’s place when he retires?
B: Presumably Andy is next in line for the job.
ad. 大概,可能,据推测
A: Which side do you think will prevail in the war?
B: Probably the side with the most advanced weapons and the smartest generals.
vi. 1.流行,盛行;2.(over)获胜,占优势;3.(on, upon)说服,劝说,诱使
A: This show isn’t as boring as the previous show was.
B: I’m glad for that!
a. 1.先前的,以前的;2.(to)在...之前的
A: I’m having a difficult time spiritually.
B: Maybe you should talk to your priest about it.
n. 神父,牧师
A: What was your goal with your most recent novel?
B: I was primarily trying to draw attention to the plight of the poor in the city.
ad. 主要地,首先
A: What was your primary reason for dropping out of college?
B: I just didn’t want to go school anymore.
a. 1.首要的,主要的,基本的;2.最初的,初级的
A: Why did he retire so young?
B: I think it was important for him to retire in his prime.
a. 1.首要的,主要的;2.最好的,第一流的
n. 1.青春,壮年;2.全盛时期
vt. 使完成准备工作,使准备好
A: Cooking over a fire is a rather primitive method, but I love the taste the fire gives the food.
B: And I love to warm myself by the fire while you’re cooking.
a. 1.原始的,早期的;2.简单的,粗糙的
n. 原始人,原始事物
A: When are you going to finally get married?
B: I don’t know. I keep waiting for my Prince Charming to come along.
n. 王子,亲王
A: Suzy looks just like a princess in that beautiful gown.
B: She really is quite a beauty.
n. 公主,王妃
A: If you don’t start to behave, I’m going to send you to the principal’s office.
B: I promise to try to behave.
a. 最重要的,主要的
n. 1.负责人,校长;2.资本,本金;3.主要演员,主角
A: Can you tell me main principle behind your organization?
B: Well, this is a difficult question because there are many aspects to our goals.
n. 1.原则,原理,道义;2.基本信念,信条
A: Prior to getting this job, I’d never held a job for more than six months.
B: And now you’ve been working here for six years!
a. 优先的,在前的
prior to 在...之前
A: If you want out marriage to work, then our relationship has to be a priority for you.
B: It is a priority for me!
n. 1.优先(权),重点;2.优先考虑的事
A: I can’t believe you’ve been listening in on my private conversation!
B: You shouldn’t have been talking so loudly!
a. 1.私人的,个人的;2.秘密的,私下的;3.私立的,私营的
n. 士兵,列兵
in private 在私下,秘密地
A: It’s been a real privilege getting to know you.
B: I’ve enjoyed getting to know you as well.
n. 特权,优惠
A: It’s probable that it might rain tomorrow.
B: Then maybe we should reschedule our picnic for another day.
a. 很可能的,大概的
A: What’s the procedure for applying for a loan?
B: First, you need to fill out this application.
n. 程序,手续,步骤
A: Before we proceed, I’d like to thank you for coming here today.
B: It’s my pleasure.
vi. 1.进行,继续下去;2.(沿特定路线)行进,(朝特定方向)前进
A: Is it difficult to adopt a child?
B: Actually, it is a long, drawn-out process.
n. 1.过程,进程;2.工序,制作发;3.(法律)程序,(诉讼)手续
vt. 加工,处理,办理
A: Why are all of those cars driving in a line?
B: Because they are part of a funeral procession.
n.  队伍,行列
A: I’m very happy with the new products we are developing.
B: They should sell very well.
n. 1.产品,产物;2.乘积
A: How long have you been in the profession?
B: Oh, I’d say about thirty years.
n.  1.职业,自由职业;2.[the ~]同业,同行
A: I was very impressed with the real estate agent.
B: Yes, he conducted himself in a very professional manner.
a. 职业的,专业的;专门的
n. 自由职业者;专业人员
A: Can you write a brief profile of the speaker to put in the program?
B: I’ll have it done by tomorrow.
n. 1.(面部或头部的)侧面)(像);2.传略,人物简介;3.轮廓,形象;4.姿态,引人注目的状态
vt. 为...描绘(轮廓等),写...的传略(或概况)
A: Do you think that we’ll be able to make a profit this year?
B: It all depends on the market conditions.
n. 利润,收益,益处
vt. 有益于,有利于
vi. (by, from) 得益
A: I was impressed by his progressive philosophy.
B: Yes, he certainly wasn’t afraid to adopt new ideas.
a. 1.进步的,先进的;2.前进的,渐进的,累进的;3.(动词)进行式的
A: When did they decide to prohibit cigarettes on airplanes?
B: Actually, that’s a rather old regulation.
vt. 禁止,不准
A: Would you be willing to work on this project with me?
B: I’d be happy to, once I finish my own project.
n. 1.方案,计划;2.课题,项目;3.工程
vt. 1.投射,发射,放映;2.使伸出
vi. 伸出,突出
A: Which one is Sam?
B: He’s the one with the prominent mole on his face.
a. 1.突出的,杰出的;2.突起的,凸出的
A: I don’t think that the government has done enough to promote world peace.
B: I don’t know what else they could have done.
vt. 1.促进,增进,发扬;2.提升,提拔;3.宣传,推销(商品等)
A: The recent murders have prompted the police to increase the number of patrols on the streets at night.
B: Hopefully, it will again be safe to walk the streets of this city.
vt. 1.促使,推动;2.提示
a. 敏捷的,及时的,迅速的
n. 提词,提示
A: Rather than using the character’s name in this sentence, why don’t you use a pronoun?
B: That’s a good idea.
n. 代词
A: Do they have any proof that she committed the murder?
B: They say that they do, but it’s only circumstantial evidence.
n. 1.证据,证明;2.校样,样张
a. 耐...的,能防...的
A: What are you doing on my property?
B: I’m just crossing over to the adjacent piece of land.
n. 1.财产,资产,所有物;2.房产,地产,物业;3.性质,特性,性能
A: The amount of crime in a city is in inverse proportion to the amount of police officers on the street.
B: Well, then let’s hire more officers!
n. 1.比例;2.部分,份儿;3.均衡,相称
in proportion to  与...成比例
A: I would argue that the amount of knowledge gained is directly proportional to the number of classes attended.
B: I disagree.
a. (to) 比例的,成比例的
A: Did she accept your proposal?
B: Yes. We’re getting married next month.
n. 1.提议,建议;2.求婚
A: I propose that we all go for a swim.
B: But it’s too cold outside.
v. 1.提议,建议,提出;2.提名,推荐;3.打算,计划;4.求婚
A: I’m frightened by the prospect of losing my job.
B: I don’t think you have anything to worry about.
n. 1.前景,前途,(成功等的)可能性;2.景象,景色;3.可能成为主顾的人;有希望的候选人
vt. (for) 勘探,勘察
A: I’ve always been jealous of your prosperity.
B: Well, now that I’m bankrupt, you don’t have anything to be jealous of.
n. 兴旺,繁荣
A: How has business been?
B: Business has been quite prosperous for the past few years.
a. 繁荣的,兴旺的
A: Why do you wear sunglasses?
B: I wear them for the protection they provide for my eyes against the sun.
n.  保护,防护
A: Can I use the power saw to cut the wood?
B: As long as you remember to wear protective goggles.
a. 保护的,防护的
A: I’ve been feeling lethargic lately.
B: Maybe you haven’t been getting enough protein.
n. 蛋白质
A: Are you going to the protest today?
B: No, I don’t agree with the content of the protest.
n. 抗议,反对
v. 抗议,反对
A: Would you mind driving me to the airport?
B: Sure, provided that you pay for gas.
conj. 假如,若是
A: Where is Jesse living nowadays?
B: Oh, I think he moved to some obscure province in Canada.
n. 1.省;2.领域,范围
A: We’re going on a week-long camping trip.
B: Be sure to bring enough provisions!
n. 1.供应;2.准备,预备;3.条款,规定;4.[pl.]给养,口粮
A: I didn’t mean to provoke his anger.
B: Well, then you probably shouldn’t have made fun of his wife.
vt. 1.对...挑衅,激怒;2.激起,引起
A: Why is Jimmy talking to himself?
B: He has severe psychological problems.
a. 心理(学)的
A: How late did you stay at the pub last night?
B: I didn’t leave until around three in the morning.
n. 酒吧,酒馆
A: This is really a great magazine.
B: I agree. It’s one of my favorite publications.
n. 1.出版,发行;2.出版;3.公布,发表
A: How many people do you think will come to the event?
B: The publicity has been very good, so I imagine that a lot of people will show up.
n. 1.公众的注意,名声;2.宣传,宣扬
A: Have you finished your novel?
B: Yes, but I can’t find anyone to publish it!
vt. 1.出版,发行;2.出版;3.公布,发表

A: How fast is your resting pulse?
B: About forty-five beats per minute.
n. 1.脉搏;2.脉冲
vi. 搏动,跳动
A: What does this pump do?
B: It pumps water to the top floor of the building.
n. 泵
vt. (用泵)抽(水);泵送,打气
A: Jared can be really frustrating.
B: Sometimes I get so angry at him that I just want to punch him!
vt. 1.猛击;2.穿孔
n. 1.猛击;2.冲床,穿孔机;3.力量,效力
A: I appreciate you being so punctual.
B: I always try to arrive on time.
a. 严守时刻的,准时的,正点的
A: I would like to purchase a new car.
B: Which model would you like?
vt. 买,购买
n. 购买;购买的商品
A: What color are you going to paint the walls of this room?
B: We were going to paint them pink, but now we’ve decide to use purple.
a. 紫的
n. 紫色
A: How was your purse stolen?
B: A man just grabbed it out of my arms and ran away.
n. 钱包,女用小提包
A: How long did you pursue the suspect?
B: We pursued him for several hours until we lost track of him.
vt. 1.继续,从事;2.追赶,追踪;3.追求
A: I have no idea how to increase our growth for next quarter.
B: It’s am intriguing puzzle, and I don’t think anybody knows the answer just yet.
v. 1.(使)迷惑,(使)为难;2.(使)苦思
n. 1.智力测试,智力玩具,谜;2.难题,令人费解的事(或人)
puzzle out 苦苦思索而弄清楚(或解决)

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