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W 字头
A: What is the current wage for a bus driver?
B: I don’t know. We’ll have to look it up.
n. [常pl.]工资,报酬
vt. 开始,进行
A: Climb in this wagon and I will pull you along the sidewalk.
B: Can Billy ride with me, too ?
n. 1.四轮马车,大篷车;2.铁路货车,客货两用车
A: Try not to waken him with your music.
B: I’ll keep the volume down.
vi. 醒来
vt. 唤醒
A: This belt is too tight around my waist .
B: Let’s try a large size.
n. 腰,腰部
A: Don’t let him wander off .
B: Don’t worry. I’ll keep an eye on him.
vi. 1.漫游,闲逛,漫步;2.偏离正道;3.走神,(神志)恍惚
A: What did you do last night?
B: We sat on the living room floor and enjoyed the warmth of the fire.
n. 1.暖和,温暖;2.热烈,热情,热心
A: My feet are soaking wet!
B: Too bad your boots aren’t waterproof like mine.
a. 不透水的,防水的
A: The wax from the candle is starting to drip onto the birthday cake.
B: Quick! Let’s blow out the candle.
n. 蜡,蜂蜡
vt. 给…上蜡
A: My joints are starting to weaken in my old age.
B: I’m sure your doctor could help you strengthen them.
v. (使)变弱,(使)减弱
A: She is independently wealthy .
B: I thought so by the way she dressed and carried herself.
a. 富裕的
A: What sort of weapon was he carrying?
B: I think it was a bow and arrow.
n. 武器,兵器
A: She can weave a rug in less than one week!
B: That’s amazing, considering the quality of the rugs that she makes.
v. 编,织
A: If I don’t have someone to help me weed , the garden will turn into a jungle!
B: I can help you on Friday.
n. 杂草,野草
v. 除草
A: I am willing to work on any weekday .
B: Would you also be willing to work on the weekend?
n. 平常日,工作日
A: Ever since my injury, I have to make weekly trips to the doctor.
B: That’s such a drag!
a. 每周的,一周一次的
ad. 一周一次的
n. 周报,周刊
A: Whenever I think about my cat that died. I begin to weep .
B: I know it is hard to lose a pet that you love so much.
v. 1.(为……)哭泣,流(泪);2.渗出
A: How can I fix this lamp?
B: You night need to weld the broken pieces together.
v. 焊接
n. 焊接,焊缝
A: Why do you give so much money to charity?
B: Because I’m concerned about the welfare of those less fortunate than I.
n. 1.福利;2.福利救济
A: The whale is becoming an endangered species.
B: It’s really sad how they have been so exploited over the last decade.
n. 鲸
A: I didn’t care whatsoever how she went about doing it.
B: You only cared about the results?
ad. (用于否定句中以加强语气)任何
A: I could easily walk to the theater, whereas Sarah would have had a very difficult time.
B: Well, maybe if you walked with her, she would make it just fine.
conj. 然而,但是,尽管
A: Whichever way you go, I will be there with you.
B: You can count me in too.
pron . / a. 无论哪个,无论哪些
A: He uses a long whip to train the horse.
B: I think there must be a kinder way to train a horse.
n. 鞭子
vt. 1.鞭打,抽打,鞭策;2.猛地移动;3.搅打(奶油,蛋等)成糊状
vi. 1.抽打,拍打;2.猛地移动
A: I’ll give you a whistle when I need your help.
B: Okay. I’ll be ready.
vi. 1.吹口哨,鸣汽笛;呼啸而过
vt. 用口哨吹出
n. 1.哨子,汽笛;2.口哨声,汽笛声
A: Whoever gets there first is the winner.
B: What if two of us reach the finish line at the same time?
pron. 1.[引导名词从句]谁;2.无论谁,不管谁;3.究竟是谁
A: I wholly support your campaign.
B: Thank you. I couldn’t get very far without you.
ad. 完全地,全部地
A: She has a wicked streak in her.
B: On what do you base that statement?
a. 1.邪恶的,恶劣的,缺德的;2.淘气的,顽皮的
A: Why do you have to move your home?
B: Because they are planning to widen the highway.
vt. 加宽,放宽
vi. 变宽
A: By now the news of your promotion has become quite widespread .
B: I really don’t think it’s such a big deal.
a. 分布(或散布)广的,普遍的
A: How long has she been a widow ?
B: Her husband died nine years ago.
n. 寡妇
A: What is the width of your living room?
B: I don’t know. We’ll have to measure it.
n. 1.宽度,阔度,广度;2.宽阔,广阔
A: She has a lot of wisdom for her age.
B: Maybe it’s because of her upbringing.
n. 1.明智,正确的判断;2.智慧,学问
A: What made his speech so memorable?
B: I think it was his wit and humor.
n. 1.风趣,妙语;2.[常pl.]智力,才智
at one’s wits’ end 智穷计尽
A: How much money can I withdraw from the bank?
B: There is a daily limit of $250.
vt. 收回,撤消,撤退
vi. 缩回,退出,撤退

A: I don’t know if I can withstand any more scrutiny.
B: They really are looking at you with a fine-toothed.
vt. 经受,承受,抵住
A: We need one more witness for the trial.
B: The problem is that we can’t find any more people without a bias in this case.
n. 1.目击者,见证人;2.证据,证言
vt. 1.目击,注意到;2.为…作证,证明
A: That dog really likes like a wolf .
B: He walks like one too.
n. 狼
A: That workman does stellar work.
B: Yes, he is a true craftsman.
n. 技术工人,工匠
A: I like to keep my workshop in order.
B: Yes, I’ve noticed that each hammer and nail has its own special place.
n. 1.车间,工场,作坊;2.研讨会,讲习班
A: We are experiencing a worldwide hunger problem.
B: We need to act soon before too many more people die of starvation.
a. / ad. 世界范围(的),全世界(的)
A: I found a worn in my garden that was really big and fat.
B: Looks like your soil is very rich.
n. 虫,蠕虫
A: In difficult times like this, it’s important to gather together in worship .
B: I’m so grateful to have a community to join with in prayer.
n. 1.崇拜,崇敬;2.敬奉,信奉
A: That old car is worthless.
B: I guess I’ll have to buy a new one.
a. 无价值的,没有用处的
A: I would like to volunteer for a worthwhile cause.
B: Perhaps we could take meals to older people who can’t cook for themselves.
a. 值得(做)的
A: She is a worthy candidate for governor.
B: I plan to vote for her on Tuesday.
a. 1. (of) 值得的,配得上的;2.有价值的,可尊敬的
A: I love to wrap packages.
B: Would you please wrap my Christmas gifts?
vt. 包,裹
n. 披肩,围巾
A: Before his wreck , he was a strong runner.
B: Now he seems to have lost some of his endurance.
vt. 1.破坏,毁坏;2.造成……失事,使遇难
n. 1.失事,失事船(或飞机),残骸;2.精神或身体已垮的人
A: Does the watch fit your wrist ?
B: It’s a bit big, so I’ll have to take it to be adjusted.
n. 腕,腕关节
A: Have you read his latest book?
B: No, but I’ve heard he’s an excellent writer .
n. 作者,作家
A: I hope that you will be able to read my writing.
B: Don’t worry. It is very clear.
n. 1.著作,作品;2.(书)写,写作

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